un piano, des haricots, une colline
beside the regularity of architectural and urban design, our imagination moves on much more variant environment.
it borrows shapes from our recognizable world and replace them. the functionality which govern our social world get questioned, even if a certain
attempt to give functions is very present.
the oblò of a washing machine becomes the glass protection of a micro-humanoid community. humans are present in their fragments: hands, eyes,
fears, desires.
the world of the language doesn’t present so clear distinction on what is imagined and what is there.
Through language this border is always crossed.
to imagine the imaginative world as divided from the actual space install a circle of continuous references, feedback and feed forward between the
two worlds/spaces and the two spaces actually melt one into the other one.
it appears how this border, this division between the two spaces is arbitrary and in our encounters we are always busy to renegotiate this limit.
to let the encounter happen means to expose the body to this act of trespass.
it is joyful, confounding, tilting, revolutionary
as sex, more then controlled, is put aside, exiled and forbidden through interdiction.
we should know.
we should be able to explain
but actually that is the the zone ou,
Voilà je suis perdue.