CReditz, thankz, EVOCAtIons, sharing
[celebrating encounters, honoring connections]
Conceived by reading D.Haraway, "Staying with the trouble" and translating "Un appartement sur Uranus", Paul B. Preciado. (especially cuz of the color of the cover-book)
HOW BOOKS MAKES PLANTS // from paper to plants
Un ritornello tratto dalle preghiere Navajo si accompagna al lavoro di chi tesse la lana: << con me c'è la bellezza (shil hòzhò), <<dentro di me c'è la bellezza>> (shii' hòzhò), <<da me si irradia la bellezza>> (shits' àà d òò hòzhò). La hòzhò è un concetto centrale della cosmologia e nella pratica quotidiana Navajo. Le traduzioni tipiche di questo concetto optano per <<bellezza>>, <<armonia>>, <<ordine>>, ma io credo che una traduzione migliore enfatizzerebbe le relazioni corrette del mondo, incluse quelle degli esseri umani e non-umani, che sono del mondo come sua sostanza dinamica fatta storia, e non nel mondo come se questo fosse un contenitore.
D. Haraway
thanks to Charlie Usher
thanks also to...
the spirit of Antoine, the plant trans who left at the middle of March.
to their memory
Silvia Jill Lea Curreli who - among other amazing beautiful cares - suggested me at the beginning of lockdown to take lot of Vitamine C and smells lemons and citrus fruit for the pleasure of the heart.
or that's what I got.
she also suggested me this (quite related):
to take care of them
Lo Stato dei Luoghi
further contributions
(articles shared by Sara Manente)
Princeton researchers discover that home gardening is basically the answer to society’s ills
Gardening is important but seed-saving is crucial!
Coronavirus: Seed sales soar as more of us become budding gardeners
Why I stopped protesting and started a garden
Guerriglia Gardening
Lilia, who cares and share her questions
Victor the Guardian who care
dedicated to whoever cultivated and shared ways to think sensually during this time and whoever is developing practices of intimacy